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Un Torpe en Casa



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Mapa del lugar

  • Business
    • B - 2 Velton Lawns, Laurelvale, Tandragee, Co. Armagh
    • C - Laurelvale; Tandragee, Armagh, Reino Unido
  • Fishing
    • D - Castletown River
    • E - Dundalk Brown Trout Anglers Fishery
    • F - Dundalk Salmon Anglers Fishery
    • G - The Village Anglers Fishery
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In any case, please collaborate with us. Thanks for visiting Brian Russell Flyfishing.

Brian Russell Flyfishing

00 Contact

Region / State:
Northern Ireland
Laurelvale; Tandragee
Telephone 1:
44 (0)28 38841740
Telephone 2:
44 (0)77 16120441
2 Velton Lawns, Laurelvale, Tandragee, Co. Armagh
Postal Code:
BT62 2PB
Brian Russell
Brian Russell
Email address:
Last update:
2017-12-01 19:09:48

Brian, a current Irish River International and previous 4 times Ulster and twice National Rivers Champion offers guided trout angling and method tuition on his local Rivers Bann, Cusher, Lagan and Callan, all within 20 minutes of home. All these Rivers offer superb wild trouting to a range of different methods that will ensure your day is both challenging and rewarding. All tackle, flies etc can be supplied to cater for dry fly, French and Czech nymphing etc. Can also offer guided trout and salmon days on the River Mourne system and Lough Neagh tributaries all well within easy travel distance.

No weather available.